You Get Hurt, We Pay You!

Yes, you read that right! You get hurt as a professional wrestling athlete, and we pay you. Our insurance cover provides insurance for pro wrestling athletes. We will pay you directly to help with your medical bills and provide you with insurance, thus financial security for your family in case of accidental injury or even death. Our insurance coverage is quite affordable, with monthly subscriptions starting as low as $20.00 per month and provides you with 24 hour insurance coverage.

Pro wrestling is risky. However no matter how hard you try, the risk of getting hurt as a pro wrestler is always high. This is precisely where we as are here to serve you. We are an insurance brokerage service that provides insurance to professional wrestlers at an affordable price that does not hurt their pockets.

Our research has established that most pro wrestlers do not have any kind of active insurance programs for themselves. If they do, it either does not cover the total cost of the medical bills, or it comes with a high cost that is unmanageable. This makes usually forces them to pay most of the bills on their own, strains them financially, and frustrates them mentally.

"This does not have to be the case," however, says Chris Martin, who is our managing partner. Although Chris has no experience in professional wrestling, his gimmick is that he is "The Claim Submission Specialist," and with over 20 years of experience as an insurance industry innovator, Chris has taken to the mission to help grow our brand and help pro wrestlers become better educated about how insurance works and create awareness on the importance of having health insurance for pro wrestlers so that they can better manage their risks.

What Makes Us Different from the Rest?

Wrestlers are independent contractors and not considered full-time employees for the wrestling promotions that they work for. Therefore, the athletes are on the hook to purchase their own health & injury insurance.

For example, according to Stephanie McMahon, "So our (WWE) talent are all independent contractors, so we don't provide medical insurance for our talent," McMahon stated.Because of examples like this, it's vital that wrestling talent work with a health care pro like us because we can get wrestlers (and their families) access to insurance protection at affordable rates.

An example is our low cost injury and accident insurance plan that help provide cash to wrestlers if they get hurt. This coverage is both for in or out of the ring injuries that need medical treatment and it costs under $20 per month that every wrestlers should have. We can also have helped wrestlers get low-cost health insurance with discounted premiums for as low as $0 per month (after premium tax credits).

Three Insurance Plans A Pro Wrestler Might Need:

1) Accident / Injury insurance plans.

Accident and injury insurance plans pay you directly after an injury or accident regardless of if you have any other insurance coverage or not.

This type of insurance program is a no-brainer for competitive athletes like pro wrestlers. The way it works is simple when you get hurt or injured, all you need to do is go to a licensed medical doctor or medical facility to get treatment for your injury no matter where you are, and you will be covered by a plan like this.

Filing a claim and getting paid from professional wrestling insurance coverage is easy. Because there are no network restrictions, you can visit any emergency room, hospital, or urgent care center to get treatment without worrying if it will be covered or not. After you get back from getting treated for your injury, you will just send a claim form to the insurance company, and they will send you a check directly based on your policy benefits.

Once you get the check from the insurance company, you can use it to help you pay for things like medical bills, physical therapy services, or even time off from work. The benefits are paid directly to you so you decide how to spend the funds.

These low-cost plans are very popular with any athlete because the cost of this type of plan is relatively inexpensive (under $25 per month). This is quite affordable compared to major medical health insurance plans, which seem to cost a lot more and also cover the minimum these days.

Many of these supplemental personal injury plans include an accidental life insurance policy which would pay your beneficiary a lump sum of cash if you were to die unexpectedly from accidental death. I think this is worth the cost of having one of these professional wrestlers' insurance plans.

The average cost of a policy ranges from $8 - $25 per month. It does not require any medical underwriting or medical questions at the time of application, which means anyone will get accepted for one of these, no matter if they have other underlying health issues.

2) Hospitalization Only Plan.

Instead of getting hit with significant medical bills after a hospital stay, consider a Hospitalization program that pays you a lump sum of cash should you be admitted to the hospital that you can use to pay your bills. In addition to the lump sum of cash you get on admission to the hospital, this type of health insurance policy for pro wrestlers will pay you additional cash benefits for each day you have to stay overnight in the hospital.

This can, in turn, help you to offset any additional services you might need that a health insurance plan might not cover. O

Because this type of program does not coordinate with any other benefits, you might have a group health insurance policy, a marketplace health plan, the VA plan, or even Medicaid. These plans pay you directly after your service instead of the providers, making them very attractive for people with or without health insurance coverage and for only about $10 - $30 per month; depending on your age, rolling into one of these supplemental hospital plans might be a good idea especially if you are a wrester on the road.

3) Medical Insurance.

You can get covered in a major medical health plan for $0 per month after we get you the government tax credits! This is, however not specific professional wrestling insurance, and it's more of a general one that everyone should really consider having.

If something unexpected happens to you – like a car accident or a severe illness – hospital expenses can quickly rack up, but having the right medical insurance policy can prevent staggering expenses in emergency situations. Major medical and limited duration medical insurance programs provide benefits for a broad range of healthcare services, from inpatient and outpatient services to urgent care visits and follow-up testing and imaging.

In addition to catastrophic coverage, our insurance agents can help you create an efficient health plan which can save you money on routine doctor's visits, prescription drug coverage, preventative care, and other medical services. Most importantly, If you file a tax return each year, you might qualify for a premium tax subsidy to pay for your health plan, and we can help you get it!

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) was signed into law on March 11, 2021, and has made health insurance coverage more affordable for some people. Since its inception, this particular law has dramatically increased the number of premium tax credits (aka subsidies) that people can get to help them reduce their health insurance premiums.

As far as finding out, the amount of the premium tax credit that you will receive will be based on your zip code, your annual household income, and the number of people you claim on your tax returns. You might be leaving money on the table if you don't at least check to see if you qualify.

To find out exactly how much premium tax credit you might qualify for, we can help....just fill out this no -obligation request form, click here >>>> and I’ll send you a summary of the amount you qualify for as well as a list of health insurance plans that you can apply for the tax credits on! We have some clients that pay $0 per month for a major medical plan.

Why should you work with us as your Insurance Broker?

We are here to serve you. As an insurance broker we have no limits on the companies or health insurance plans we can offer our clients. Instead of finding a health insurance plan on your own, it makes sense to work with a health insurance broker who can help you choose the correct type of insurance policy based on your needs.

There is no cost to working with us as your insurance broker, and the cost of the health insurance is always going to be the same whether you purchase the insurance policy from another broker, a competing insurance agent with the same programs and companies, or directly from a health insurance company. If you are looking for guidance, suggestions, and unbiased product expertise without having to shop plans yourself, then working with an independent insurance broker like us will always be the way to go.

We will be there so that you can personally call or text us when you change your address, need help filling or appealing claims, or have general questions about your policy. Having a local broker benefits you; it’s like having a personal health care consultant.

We will also help you figure out what services are and are not covered; after all, every insurance company has different language in their policies and definitions of services or conditions that are not covered in the professional wrestling insurance policy contract. We can help you understand the language in the contracts and help you find a plan can will cover you when you need it to as a pro wrestler.