Pro Wrestling Promoter Bonds

Professional wrestling promotions may need to get surety bonds for their events, depending on the regulations in their state. A surety bond is a type of financial guarantee that provides assurance that the promoter will fulfill their obligations, such as paying taxes, following safety regulations, and more.

In some states, surety bonds are a requirement for professional wrestling promotions, as a way to protect the state and the public from financial loss in the event of a failure to comply with regulations or other obligations. The exact amount of the bond required can vary depending on the state and the size of the event.

It's important for professional wrestling promotions to check the regulations in their state to determine if a surety bond is required and to obtain the bond if necessary. This can help to ensure that the event is in compliance with local laws and regulations and that the promoter is protected from financial loss due to unexpected events.

How does a surety bond for a Pro Wrestling Show work?

  1. The promoter applies for a bond: The promoter applies for the bond right here on our website. During the online application process the surety company will ask about the promoter's financial stability and history, as well as the details of the event, in order to determine the bond amount and premium. Click Here to Apply >>

  2. The surety company issues the bond: If the promoter is approved, the surety company will issue the bond. The bond amount is typically a percentage of the total value of the event, and the premium is a one-time fee that the promoter pays for the bond.

  3. The bond is provided to the state or regulatory body: The promoter provides the bond to the state or regulatory body as a guarantee that they will fulfill their obligations for their pro wrestling event.

  4. If the promoter fails to fulfill their obligations: If the promoter fails to fulfill their obligations, such as paying taxes or following safety regulations, the state or regulatory body can make a claim on the bond. The surety company will then investigate the claim and, if it is found to be valid, will pay the claim up to the full amount of the bond.

By obtaining a surety bond, the promoter provides a financial guarantee to the state or regulatory body that they will fulfill their obligations for the event. This helps to protect the state and the public from financial loss, and provides peace of mind for the promoter that they are in compliance with local laws and regulations.