New Game-Changing Partnership To Get Pro Wrestlers Insurance!

Pro Wrestlers Insurance Coverage

Watch the video to find out about the programs and how to sign up.

The world of professional wrestling is known for its breathtaking moves, intense rivalries, and larger-than-life personalities. But behind the scenes, there's a lesser-known challenge that's been a constant struggle for pro wrestling athletes, promoters, and gyms - finding comprehensive insurance coverage tailored to their unique needs. Today, we're excited to share some groundbreaking news from, a nationwide insurance distribution brokerage committed to serving the wrestling community.

The Challenge: For years, pro wrestling athletes have faced an uphill battle when it comes to insurance. Traditional insurance providers often fail to offer policies that comprehensively cover the risks associated with the world of professional wrestling. Injuries can happen at any time, both inside and outside the ring, and it's essential for wrestlers to have financial protection that truly meets their needs.

The Solution: A Game-Changing Partnership! has always been dedicated to addressing this issue. To provide a better solution, we are thrilled to announce our latest partnership with the IHC Group (NYSE: IHC). This partnership is a game-changer for the pro wrestling community, and here's why:

Affordable and Comprehensive Coverage: We are introducing a personal accidental medical and injury insurance program designed specifically for professional wrestling athletes. The best part? Wrestlers own the policy. Our plans are priced between $24 and $35 per month, making comprehensive coverage accessible for everyone in the industry.

24/7 Protection - Inside and Outside the Ring: Our insurance program offers 24-hour protection, whether you're in the ring or going about your daily life. This means you're covered for injuries at any time, with no network restrictions. If you get hurt or injured anywhere, you can choose any medical facility for treatment.

Flexibility for You: Even if you already have other insurance coverage, our policy ensures that you receive cash benefits directly. This gives you the flexibility to choose how to use the money you receive. Whether it's to cover medical bills, living expenses, or any other needs, the choice is yours.

Key Features of the Program:

  • 24/7 coverage on or off the job.

  • No exclusions for hazardous hobbies like pro wrestling.

  • No deductible.

  • No coordination with other insurance.

  • Indemnity payments made directly to you for quick claims processing.

  • No maximum limit on the number of accidents covered per year.

How to Get Started: To learn more about this incredible program, simply click on the link provided below. You can input your zip code and date of birth to review the benefits. You'll have the option to choose your plan and select the effective date, which can be as soon as the next day. Enrolling is quick and easy, ensuring that you're protected when you need it most.

Questions or Assistance: If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to Chris at We're here to support you on your journey to greater security and peace of mind.

At, we understand the unique challenges faced by the wrestling community, and our partnership with the IHC Group reflects our commitment to providing tailored insurance solutions. Join us in this exciting new chapter, and ensure that you're protected, both inside and outside the ring.